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SANIKATTA :As you approach this village in Uttara Kannada district, you see a spread of over 500 acres of brown fields. The fields are brown not because of drought but because the most basic ingredient you use in your cooking is drying in the sun: Salt.
Sanikatta village, nestling on the banks of river Aghanashini and on the way to Gokarna, has been producing brown salt, unique to this region, since 1720. For generations, people have preferred using this salt produced in this village.Sanikatta producers say that only the salt they produce contains natural minerals and herbs which are required for  human body. “Our salt is medicinal. It contains nearly 96 per cent minerals. Every year the demand for brown salt is increasing and now it’s also being used in naturopathy,” said a producer.

This is because leaves, stems, and plants, some of which are medicinal,  that fall into the Aghanashini river during the course of the year get accumulated in the basin and the natural ingredients of these medicinal plants get dissolved in the water.
Farmers, especially organic farmers, take away loose salt in quintals for their crops.




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